The North Mandurah Primary School Board has established a dress code for all students attending school.
The school board believes a dress code unites the student body by:
The school uniform can be purchased from Perm-A-Pleat, 2/76 Reserve Dr, Mandurah WA 6210, Phone: (08) 9500 3036
Parents who have financial difficulties regarding the purchase of a uniform should contact our school administration team.
Absences must be explained either in writing to the class teacher, MGM outreach, School Stream or by phoning the school as soon as possible, preferably on the day, on 9586 0800.
If the student is absent on a regular basis it impacts greatly on their educational progress. In the case of a primary child being absent for even one day without explanation, we have to send an absentee note home.
Under the “Duty of Care Responsibilities” all contact with children during the school day must be made through the school office. Parents must sign in at the front office before going to the classroom. No parent should go directly to the classroom.
Any families with custody or court arrangements in place must give a copy of the document to the front office.
Medication cannot be administered unless parents have completed a medical information form. The Administration of Medication form is available from the school.
If your child has a known allergy or medical condition please inform the school so that appropriate management plans and emergency response plans can be put into place. Management plans are available from the school or can be downloaded and completed to be returned to the school. (Activity for Daily Living, Anaphylaxis, Allergy, Asthma, Diabetes, General Health Care, Seizure, Student Health Care Summary)
A community health nurse visits the school on a regular basis to perform routine health checks on children. The nurse checks immunisation records, screens children for various health conditions eg eyesight, hearing, and is available to provide information and advice.
Children at North Mandurah Primary attend the Meadow Springs Dental Therapy Centre, based at Meadow Springs Primary School, 320 Oakmont Ave, Meadow Springs. This is a free service. All students will be issued with a general check-up appointment or alternatively, parents can contact the centre on 08 9584 2478.
All money brought to school to pay for incursions, camps, contributions etc. should be sealed in an envelope bearing:
Students are to bring the money to the front office from 8.30am onwards.